Saturday, 31 October 2009

Again am busy

I have been reading, editing and writing, so have been pretty busy recently.

Recently haven't seen much in terms of films, since I'm not near indie cinemas to see the latest decent film and the films around my local area all look awful (like The Vampire's Assistant, gimme a break). There's not even a decent looking horror film coming out locally.

I have seen Tyson, which wasn't as good as hoped, was essentially a magazine article done in film. Just a very dull film. I expected more from James Toback. The Love God is another recent viewing (is not, I repeat not, the Myers comedy The Love Guru). It's from the sixties, star Don Knotts, and is pretty funny. Its not great, is not specific but has some wonderful little scenes and ideas throughout, is eccentric and unusual, in the late 60's kind of way.

Also saw 24 season 7, which was a massive improvement on season 6, and in one of the better years. Its best in it early episodes, where they keep the conspiracy smaller and the style paranoid, getting a bit OTT as it goes on but it keeps the interest up throughout, which is good for 24, a show that always usually has a slump in some part of the season. Its best where it focuses on the characters and their past over the previous years, most now angry and a little broken. But importantly he keeps the suspense going.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Been a tad busy

I have not been blogging much recently due to being busy. I've been helping with Irvine Beat FM's month trial, which went well, and am putting together footage on this event that I shot. I have also been chasing up jobs, doing some writing, some of which will appear on the blog, and have been setting up my new computer and its programmes. I should have a new film, it nearly finished being shot and a documentary being edited so its been nose to the grindstone.

But I still managed to watch the new Knight Rider and it is stunningly terrible.